Monday, July 23, 2012

Fresh-picked blueberry pie

I didn't have any plans this year for the July 4 holiday, and I read on Facebook that Berry Patch Farms in Nevada would be open in the morning for berry picking.  I've always wanted to pick blueberries there, so I got up early to pick berries!

It was a hot morning, but I was surprised that quite a few families were already there, even on a holiday.  I came home with two ice cream pails full of berries.

I ended up making blueberry jam (which didn't quite turn out, so I won't be sharing the recipe), and then used the leftover berries to make my favorite -- blueberry pie! (Again, my pies aren't the prettiest, but they sure taste good!)

I didn't really have a recipe when I made this blueberry pie.  I just used the chart on the back of the Minute Tapioca box that shows how many cups of fruit, sugar and tapioca to use when making different fruit pies.  (Have you ever noticed that chart on the back of the tapioca box?)  Kraft Foods, the maker of Minute Tapioca, also has this blueberry pie recipe that's very similar. The tapioca is a great pie-filling thickener -- although my picture above might not show that. My husband put an extra spoonful of pie filling next to the pie because he thought it was more photogenic. Ha!  I love that he takes an interest in my hobbies!

What's your favorite blueberry recipe? Are you a blueberry pie fan, or do you prefer another kind of pie?  Any pie is a good pie, if you ask me!


  1. Hey I use a pie crust recipe from an old 1950's Betty Crocker cookbook! Give it a try, I think you will like it.

    In a bowl combine
    2 cups Gold Medal flouR (scant--see Note)
    1 tsp. salt
    In a cup measure
    1/2 cup Wesson oil
    1/4 cup cold milk
    Stir oil/milk mixtureninto flour/salt mixture until it comes together.
    Divide in half and roll each piece between wax paper (or parchment paper)in a size to fit 9 inch pie plate. Loosen paper on one side and replace it, Then flip it over and peel paper off. Carefully flip pie crust into pie plate. Add filling and repeat rolling out the 2nd crust and placing on top of pie. Crimp edge and cut slits. Bake according to recipe's required temperature.
    Note: I have found that the moisture content of the flour varies and affects how easy it is to roll out--I just take a Tablespoonof flour out of the 2 cups flour required in the recipe.
    I have used this recipe for close to 50 years--It is so fast and simple.
    Grandma Bette

  2. That does look easy! Thank you for sharing!

  3. Hi Teresa,
    I clicked on the "pie" label and came to this post about blueberry pie. Your pie looks delicious!

    I like to use tapioca (with cornstarch) to thicken my berry pies, and you mentioned following the chart on the tapioca box. Another great resource for how to thicken pies, is The King Arthur Flour Baker's Companion. It gives an extensive chart with varying thickening options for fruit fillings. You might like it, so I thought I'd mention it.

    Also, I thought you might be interested in my new weekly blog, Pie on Sunday. I've published just two posts so far after creating my blog a week ago. I make a pie every Sunday and share the recipe. I'm just getting started blogging, so I have a lot to learn and figure out, especially technically, but once I load my list of blogs I follow, I would like to share your blog if that's okay.

    Thanks so much! Being an Iowa girl myself, I really enjoy reading what you have to share about your homemade Iowa life!


  4. Thanks for the tips! I'll definitely check out your blog. I love pie recipes!
