Friday, July 20, 2012

Cherry cobbler

Iowa got hit by a late frost after an unusually warm spring this year. So my favorite U-Pick farm didn't have any cherries for sale this summer. ("The blossoms just fell off the trees," the farmer told me.)

I was bummed that I wouldn't be able to pick pie cherries this year.  But a few weeks ago, I found frozen tart cherries on sale at my local Fareway grocery store.  I stocked up and bought several bags.  Then I came home and made cherry cobbler.

I decided to use my favorite rhubarb crisp recipe, substituting with cherries instead.  It turned out pretty good for my first-ever attempt -- although my photos don't really show it off well.

I was trying to re-create the famous spoon and cherry outdoor sculpture in Minneapolis :)

Someday, I hope to plant a couple cherry trees on my sister's acreage, since it seems like the season is so short.  Then I won't have to "fight" the other cherry lovers at the U-Pick farm. Those cherries always go fast!  Are you a cherry fan?  Do you have a favorite cherry recipe?  I'm always looking for more ideas.

1 comment:

  1. I love cherrie! Our oldest son is working in Utah at a cherry processing plant earning money for school. They process cherries to be dried and sold at places like Trader Joes. That cherry cobbler looks so yummy!
