Monday, December 26, 2011

Making lefse: A flour-covered kitchen

I spent an entire day making a batch of Norwegian lefse for our family's Christmas dinner.  Lefse dough is very sticky to work with, so I had to use a ton of flour to keep it workable.  The goal is to roll out the lefse as thin as possible, but not so thin that the dough tears when you lift it from the cloth-covered board.

Before the day was done, there was dough and flour everywhere.  And I mean everywhere!

But all the mess was worth it in the end.  I ended up with a nice batch of lefse to send home with my family at Christmas!

If you're interested in my grandma's lefse recipe, check out my earlier lefse post.

1 comment:

  1. I grew up making what my mother called Norwegian Wedding lefsa....flour, lard, milk and water....that's it. We served ours spread with butter and brown sugar and cinnamon. Yum! What a Christmas memory. I now have my own griddle, trinsa, turning stick and my Mom's recipe. Didn't get any made but maybe after I get back from my daughter's where we just finished double batch of kringla and hope to get the krumkake made.
