Thursday, December 29, 2011

2011 year in review

Thought it would be fun to look back on all my milestones from the past year.  The great thing about blogging is that I can look back and remember all the fun times I've enjoyed.  It's amazing how much I forget, even in such a short time.

Here are a few of my favorite accomplishments in 2011:

1) I got to milk a dairy goat & drive a team of draft horses.

2) I ended up growing a huge batch of banana peppers, which I canned as pickled banana pepper rings.

3) I ran 10 road races this year and rode a half-day of RAGBRAI on my old Huffy bike.

4) I checked out several new bike trails, including the High Trestle Trail in central Iowa.

High Trestle Trail

T-Bone Trail

Raccoon River Valley Trail

Grant Wood Trail

Wabash Trace Trail

5) I took two non-work-related trips -- one to Arizona and the other to Colorado.

Apache Junction, Ariz.

Golden, Colo.

6) I baked a lot of bread & cookies!

7) I made a lot of good memories with my family.

8) I saw the craziness that was the Ames straw poll.

9) I tried new foods at the World Food Festival, Greek Food Festival and Iowa State Fair.

10) We brought home our first real Christmas tree!

I'm excited to see what adventures await in 2012!  I just want to thank all of you for following my blog over the past year.  I definitely appreciate all your comments and encouragement. And I enjoy learning from all of you, too. Have a great 2012!

1 comment:

  1. What a great post, I missed a lot, but try to get here often. The bike trails looks awesome. Heres to good times, good food, good friends, and family! Cheers! Happy New Year!
