Saturday, April 24, 2010

On a gnome hunt

I heard a rumor that there was a garden gnome invasion at Iowa State University's Reiman Gardens in Ames.  So I had to stop and hunt for the elusive creature myself.

Nothing here.

Or here.

Or here.


There are 25 gnomes at Reiman Gardens, each decorated by local schools and civic organizations.

I really did feel like I was on a gnome hunt.  My grandmother, a member of the Sons and Daughters of Norway group, used to have a pop-up book about gnomes and how they like to hide in people's gardens.  I used to love that book, although it creeped me out a little. 

It was great fun to see the gnomes tucked away here and there at Reiman Gardens.

One of my personal favorites, the American Gnomic, inspired by Iowan Grant Wood's famous painting.

And the showstopper:  The largest gnome in the United States, clocking in at 15 towering feet tall.

Isn't he the cutest?  You have to stop by the gardens and check them out for yourself.


  1. Thanks for taking me along on your Gnome Hunt. I had heard rumors of a giant gnome in Iowa but I did not know there was a large collection.

  2. I think this would be great fun tromping about gardens looking for gnomes!
