Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Joy of Rhubarb

My hubby and I picked our backyard rhubarb for the first time this year.  I ended up freezing 15 cups of rhubarb from our four rhubarb plants.  Quite a haul for so early in the spring.

I like to use my husband's Foodsaver to freeze the rhubarb.  It's such a treat to make a rhubarb dessert in the middle of winter.

We have an old variety of rhubarb growing in our garden, which is why it's green, not red.

I wouldn't dare waste any of this precious rhubarb.  I adore rhubarb.  We almost bought a house just because it had rhubarb in the backyard.  I love strawberry-rhubarb pie.  And one of my husband's favorite dessert is rhubarb custard bars, a recipe I found several years back from Cooking Light magazine.

Even people who don't think they like rhubarb love these bars.  How could you not like a recipe with butter, cream cheese and Cool Whip?  If you have rhubarb, you have to give this recipe a try.


  1. I have to try those rhubarb bars. They sound delicious! I also want one of those food savers. I'm asking Santa for one next Christmas!

  2. YUM, rhubarb! I just made some muffins from our rhubarb this past weekend. A lot of people don't think they like rhubarb, and I think that's true of pie, but when it's in other items it blends right in and is wonderful! Going to add these bars to my list! Thanks for sharing!

  3. Rhubarb muffins sound awesome! There's a rhubarb quick bread I've been meaning to try, with a strusel topping so it's got to be pretty good. Still can't believe I froze so much rhubarb from just a four plants. It's been a good spring.
