Thursday, July 14, 2011

Iowa Road Trip: Le Mars & Blue Bunny

Yikes!  Our Internet service has been on-and-off this week, so I didn't think I would get this written tonight.  Fortunately, (or unfortunately) I haven't called it a night yet, and our web connection is back up and running -- for now.

Last week, I traveled on a 4-hour road trip (8 hours round trip!) to the far northwest corner of Iowa.  Because the Missouri River flooding has closed Interstate 29 in western Iowa, I had to take the back roads to my destination.  On my way home, I drove through Le Mars, home of Blue Bunny ice cream and famously known as the "Ice Cream Capitol of the World."  I heard that Blue Bunny just opened a new visitors' center a couple weeks earlier, so I just had to stop and check it out.

As it so happens, I had to work over the noon hour and skipped lunch.  I drove through Le Mars around 3 p.m., the perfect time to stop at Bob's Drive-In -- home of the "Bob's Dog."  It's seriously the best hot dog I've ever eaten.  I've been told the hot dogs are specially made by a local meat locker. And this dog has a serious bite!

OK. So this is kind of a crummy picture.  I couldn't get my camera to focus for some reason.  But you get the idea.  I ordered mine without the "Bob's sauce" or chili sauce, because I was saving room for ice cream!

Next stop, the Blue Bunny Ice Cream Visitors' Center!  Just look for the giant ice cream sundae on Main Street!

This new visitors' center is beautiful! It's housed in a two-story renovated bank building. The top floor has Blue Bunny memorabilia and casual seating. The main floor has a gift shop and, of course, an ice cream parlor!  I ordered my favorite -- "Bunny Tracks" ice cream with peanuts, fudge swirls and chocolate-covered peanut-butter bunny-shaped candies!  In a waffle cone, of course.  And as always, they weren't skimpy on the scoops.

If you ever find yourself in northwest Iowa, or if you're looking for an unusual vacation destination, be sure to check out the Blue Bunny Visitors' Center in Le Mars.  It's well worth the drive!

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