Monday, July 11, 2011

Strawberry freezer sauce

Just one more strawberry recipe to share with you.  I've made an overabundance of strawberry jam, so I thought it would be fun to make a strawberry sauce that I could freeze for later use (over ice cream, of course).

I found this recipe for strawberry sauce on the Our Best Bites website.  I used a food mill instead of a food processor, but otherwise, I followed the recipe exactly.  It turned out great!  I froze the leftover sauce in plastic freezer bags laid flat on a cookie sheet so I could stack them neatly in the freezer.

I bought another 4-pound carton of strawberries last weekend because they were on sale for $4.99.  Strawberry season is short, so I'm buying up the inexpensive berries as long as I can.

What's your favorite way to eat strawberries?  I love strawberries over ice cream.  Nothing better, in my opinion.

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