Thursday, November 25, 2010

Gobble! Gobble!

Happy Thanksgiving, my friends!  I hope you are enjoying the day with family and friends.  I'm winding down after a marathon in the kitchen, preparing a Thanksgiving meal for my hubby and me.  I can't imagine what it's like preparing a holiday dinner for a huge family.  I'm exhausted just from cooking for two.

To be honest, I'm not much of a cook.  But I live to bake.  So while the turkey was only so-so, I made a pretty good pumpkin pie.

And my husband's favorite, pecan pie.

Thought I'd share one of my new favorite Thanksgiving-time recipes: cranberry banana bread.  I can't resist the bags of cranberries on sale this time of year.  I decided to use them in a quick bread, and after a quick Internet search, I found this cranberry banana bread recipe on the Ocean Spray website.  There are so many excellent recipes from Ocean Spray.  There are a few more I'd like to try while cranberries are still in season.

I've been having fun baking with my grandma's old bread pans.  I think it's funny to see all the indentations on the bottom of the pan from her attempts to "pound" the stuck bread out from the bottom of the pan.

Now I'm off to take a nap, maybe go for a chilly bike ride and eat another piece of pie.  Enjoy your day!

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