Sunday, November 28, 2010

A cozy project

Before Thanksgiving, I worked several late nights traveling to meetings across the state.  (Can you tell by how sleepy I look in this picture?)  I knew I had a crazy couple weeks ahead of me, so I spent my weekends trying to do as little as possible so I would be rested and ready for my travels.

To force myself to sit still, I decided to crochet a scarf.  I taught myself to crochet a couple winters ago, although so far, I haven't finished many big projects. 

I was determined to finish this scarf in one weekend.  Well, I didn't meet my own deadline, but I did finish this project in a week.  I'm happy with the results.

I followed the boyfriend scarf pattern in the Nov./Dec. issue of Crochet Today magazine.  I loved working with the chunky, colorful yarn.

This scarf isn't mistake-free.  I had trouble making the single crochets into the initial chain stitch because I was working with a larger hook and wider yarn than I'm used to.  Somehow, I doubled up on some of the single crochets, and the scarf was 20 stitches longer than the pattern called for.

So the scarf ended up really, really long.  But my hubby told me to tie it around a couple times and no one will notice. 

My sister has already asked me to make one for her.  I'm waiting for a blizzard to get started on another project.  But let's hope there aren't any blizzards this year :)

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