Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Sizzlin' spring

Wow!  I came home from work tonight and saw these beauties blooming beside the house.  I could smell their wonderful floral fragrance all the way from the street.

Looks like the ants love the peonies as much as I do.

It's been hot here in central Iowa. Sizzlin' hot!  A record 90 degrees on Sunday and Monday.  And wouldn't you know it, our air conditioner is on the fritz.  So rather than sitting around our house, sweating and feeling miserable, my husband invited me on a road trip to Rockwell City so he could pick up a boat motor he found on Craig's list.

After the 2 hour drive to Rockwell City, we were starving.  We didn't feel like eating at boring Subway, so we stopped at the only restaurant open in town -- Dangie's Diner.

I'm so glad we stopped there.  The menu looked a little boring, pretty much just hamburgers, chicken strips and French fries.  I played it safe and ordered the hamburger, thinking I'd end up with a pre-made patty.  But instead, the burger was made to order, with a toasted buttered bun and sauteed onions.  I really wanted to take a picture to show you, but my husband didn't want me to embarrass him :)

I did, however, snap a pic of the strawberry sundae I ordered for the road.  They filled the cup to the brim, and the sweet, sweet strawberry sauce was dripping all over.  So heavenly!

It finally rained tonight to bring a little relief from the heat.  I stepped outside to check on my garden, and I noticed that there's a lot purple going on in my backyard.  Funny how I never noticed that before.  I certainly didn't plan it that way.

Hope your gardens are all growing beautifully, too!

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