Friday, May 28, 2010

Cookie Friday: Macadamia nut cookies

Hello, everyone!  It's Friday, and I think we should celebrate by breaking out the cookies!

My hubby came home from work the other day and said he had a craving for macadamia nut cookies.  Well, I didn't have all the ingredients to make them right away, but after a weekend grocery trip, I was ready to start baking.  (I got these TJ's macadamia nuts from a Minneapolis shopping trip.)

Found this macadamia nut cookie recipe on  The recipe calls for white chocolate, but I was feeling cheap and bought Tollhouse vanilla chips.  Just as delicious.

Unfortunately, our A/C is still out.  I tried to wait until the evening when the house cooled off to bake, but it was still steaming in the kitchen.  So these all-butter cookies were spreading on the pan.  I must have undercooked the first batch, because they stuck to the silicone mat. 

I used the '70s era plates from my childhood to pretty up the pic.  Nice!

My baking days will probably be over for a while until my house cools off.  That just gives me an excuse to buy ice cream!

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