Monday, January 21, 2013

Iced lemon bread (baked with Truvia)

I always look forward to getting the new issue of Hy-Vee Seasons magazine.  I enjoy learning a little bit more about how the foods I shop for at Hy-Vee end up at the stores.  The latest issue features a terrific article on different types of citrus fruits.  I loved the look of the iced lemon bread recipe in the magazine, so I decided to give it a try.

At the last minute, I decided to replace the sugar in the bread with Truvia baking blend.  I usually don't use sugar substitutes, but I bought the Truvia baking blend on the suggestion of a Hy-Vee dietician, who gave a presentation on healthy holiday recipes at our workplace last month.  She likes the Truvia sweetener because it comes from a natural source (the stevia plant). I found the Truvia in the Health Market aisle of Hy-Vee.

This was my first attempt at baking with the Truvia, and the bread turned out great.  I actually forgot that I used the Truvia until my husband complimented me on this recipe.  The top of the bread was nice and brown when I pulled it out of the oven. However, I only used the Truvia in the bread batter; I stuck with regular sugar to make the glaze and icing.  I assume the Truvia works best in cookies, bars, quick breads and muffins.  I wouldn't use it for making frostings, pie crusts, candies, etc.

Sorry that these photos aren't the best.  I was more interested in eating this bread, then taking pictures of it!

Have you ever baked with sugar substitutes?  I'm going to be experimenting more with the Truvia baking blend now that I've had such good results with it.


  1. Hey there, I'm not sure what part of Iowa you're in (I'm in west/ central, IA.), but if you should see Meyer Lemons for sale anywhere, please let me know! I haven't been able to find any yet, and when I go to various local grocery stores looking for them they have NO idea what I'm talking about! I found them for the first time last year at Wal-Mart in DSM.

  2. Hi Wade. I found Meyer lemons at the Hy-Vee in Ames (the east Lincoln Way location) last weekend. I've also seen them at the West Des Moines Hy-Vee on University Ave. and the brand-new Urbandale Hy-Vee on Douglas. (Love the Urbandale store! Worth a drive to Des Moines just to visit it.) The Boone Hy-Vee also has a great produce department for a smaller store, and you might find them there, if that's closer for you. Hope this helps!

  3. Hi Teresa,

    I have tried baking with several sugar substitutes...but have yet to try Truvia. I have tried Splenda and to be honest really didn't care for the "after taste" that it seems to have after you bake with it. One sweetner that I really like is "Ideal"..but so far can only find it on Amazon. I have used that in baking for muffins and so far so good. I am going to try this recipe looks great!
