Thursday, September 20, 2012

Gap in apple pie crust?

OK, this isn't the prettiest pie.  You'll just have to trust me when I say it was delicious. It was so good, I ate a slice for breakfast the next day!  But as you can see, there was a gap between the pie crust and the apple pie filling.  I stacked the apple slices so high they were tumbling off the pan before I placed the final crust.  But the filling still cooked down so much that there was a gap under the crust.

At first, I thought it was the variety of apples that caused the problem.  I bought the apples at the nearby Center Grove Orchard in Cambridge.  How cute is this farm store?!

The late freeze and summer drought have cut this year's apple crop, and not all the varieties are available yet.  I asked the orchard staff what was the best for baking pie.  They recommended that I use a mix of McIntosh apples and Gala apples (since the Gala apples were on sale).

When I saw the gap in the pie crust, I searched the Internet for an answer to why it happened.  Then I got the bright idea to call the Iowa State University Extension Answerline, which is staffed by home economists. And they answered my question right away.  Turns out, I needed to cook the apple pie filling before placing it in the pie.  They also recommended that next time, I try a different variety than Gala apples, which are actually better for eating than baking.  So glad I thought to call the Answerline!

Oh, and if you're looking for a basic apple pie recipe that's similar to the one I tried, here's a good one from Pillsbury.

Do you have any apple pie baking tips?  I'm always looking for advice in the kitchen.


  1. I usually say "my food may not look pretty, but it sure tastes good." We still laugh about the birthday cake with the lemon filling that fell apart and had to spooned onto plates. Thanks for sharing.

  2. I like to use Jonathan apples for a classic fresh apple pie. They have a nice tart flavor that you can sweeten as much or as little as you like, and they hold their shape well. And you don't have to cook the filling ahead of time.

    I think your pie looks like it tastes really yummy!

    Center Grove Orchard is where I usually get my apples as well. Love that place (and my kids love the farmyard)!

  3. Teresa,
    Just letting you know that I made a caramel apple pie on Sunday. It's my latest post, so if you're still interested in the recipe, check it out!
