Thursday, May 10, 2012

Crochet Nook case

I took advantage of a pre-Christmas sale last winter and bought myself a Nook e-reader.  I still check out good ol' paper books from the library, but I use the Nook when I'm traveling.  (By the way, if you're thinking about buying an e-reader, I suggest spending the extra money to buy the Nook color, because it's better for downloading cookbooks and magazines.  I wish I had known that before buying the black-and-white version...)

After buying the Nook, I didn't want to spend more money on a cover for it.  I did a quick google search and found this pattern for a crochet Nook cover.  I just used leftover yarn, and it was very quick to stitch.  The pattern calls for buttons to secure the cover flap in place, but I left the buttons off because I didn't want to mess with them.  Now when I'm done reading, I just fold the cover around the Nook like an envelope.  Very easy.

Leave the flap on top or....

...fold it inside.
Do you have an e-reader?  Have you made a cover for it yourself?  Would love more suggestions for a homemade Nook cover.

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