Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Cupcake addiction

I'm embarrassed to admit this, but I'm addicted to cupcakes.  I've driven to nearby Ames three weekends in a row just to try the new cupcake creations at the Ames Cupcake Emporium on main street.  Here's a round-up of my favorite cupcakes from the last month.

Fried ice cream cupcake - with cornflakes, honey, chocolate and whipped cream on buttercream frosting.

Surprise! The fried ice cream cupcake was filled with custard!

Chunky Monkey: chocolate banana cupcake with graham cracker sprinkles.

For St. Patrick's Day:  The Green Beer Cupcake! With a subtle beer flavor. Loved the buttercream frosting!
I told my husband that I want to decorate my kitchen like the Ames cupcake shop.  They have such a cute, retro theme inside the store. I highly recommend a stop at the Cupcake Emporium next time you're in Ames.

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