Monday, January 16, 2012

Iowa eats: Ames Cupcake Emporium

During the holiday break, I finally took the time to visit a bakery I've been wanting to check out for the longest time -- the Ames Cupcake Emporium in downtown Ames.  I wish I would have taken a few photos of the bakery itself, because it was so retro-adorable, but I was in a hurry.  (I realized on my walk to the store that I forgot to feed the parking meter. The city of Ames loves to give out parking tickets, even on the weekends. I've discovered this the hard way.)

But back to the cupcakes, I ordered a red velvet and a white chocolate raspberry.  The cupcakes weren't as big as I thought they would be, but the frosting more than made up for it. Wow, was the frosting good!  I actually think there was more frosting than cupcake, but that was fine by me.  My favorite cupcake was the white chocolate raspberry. The red velvet cupcake was just so-so for me, but I'm not really a red velvet cake fan; I chose it for my husband, since it's one of his favorites.  Next time I stop, I'm going to try a chocolate cupcake, and maybe a vanilla one, too!

If you're ever in Ames for a ball game or event, be sure to stop downtown and check out the shops.  Downtown Ames is way nicer now than back when I went to college there.  It's actually become one of my favorite weekend shopping destinations in central Iowa.  But don't forget to pay the parking meter!

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