Sunday, September 18, 2011

Summer at the Iowa Arboretum

Every time the Iowa Arboretum has a plant sale, I can't seem to drive by without stopping.  This time, I ended up buying a few daylily bulbs for my garden.  I was looking for red and yellow daylilies to add a little more color to the garden, since all I have now are orange daylilies.

My hands were literally full of bulbs, but I tried to snap a couple pictures of the Arboretum's children's garden. It featured a mix of flowers and vegetables, planted in raised beds. I also discovered this garden tunnel for the kids to play in.

It was really sunny out when I took the photo below, so it's hard to see.  But the garden displayed plants ranging from A to Z, as you could see from the stone markers.  (If you look closely, you can see the "M" towards the front.)  I loved this idea!

The Iowa Arboretum also has several miles of hiking trails, which I plan to check out this fall. The arboretum is located north of Madrid near the 4-H camp. From Highway 30 west of Ames, travel south on Highway 17, then turn west at the old brick school.  Look for the signs pointing south to the Arboretum road.

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