Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Biking Iowa: Raccoon River Valley Trail

I've been having so much fun hitting up different bike trails this summer.  Now I know why Iowa is gaining a reputation as the bike trail capital of the world.  There are many miles of trails within a short driving (or walking) distance from my home and work.

I recently took a day off to check out the Raccoon River Valley Trail, which runs through Adel in central Iowa.  It was such a hot, humid day, my camera fogged up when I stopped to snap of picture of my little Dahon folding bike.  But I kind of like the photo effect of the foggy lens.

The scenery was absolutely gorgeous.  Iowa is so green and beautiful in the summertime.

The trail crosses the Raccoon River on the way east to Waukee.  The steel bridges were radiating heat on the 90-plus degree day. Thankfully, most of the trail runs through wooded areas.

Discovered this steel engraving on the trail bridge over the Raccoon River.
The locals know that any trip on the Raccoon River Trail requires a stop at the Adel ice cream shop.  My stomach was a little uneasy from the heat, so I opted for a fountain cherry coke instead.  Gotta love the cherry syrup!

Have you visited any bike trails this summer?  Do you have a favorite bike trail?  I'm looking forward to hitting a few trails during the height of the fall color.  Can't believe it's that time of year already!

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