Thursday, August 25, 2011

Banana blueberry bread

Don't the blueberries look fluorescent in this picture?  Don't know how that happened.

I like to buy fresh blueberries whenever they are sale in the summer.  I usually bake up a batch of blueberry muffins, but I also had some over-ripe bananas that I needed to use up.  So I found a recipe for blueberry banana bread from Taste of Home, my go-to source for baking recipes.

The recipe calls for shortening, which I typically don't like to bake with because I prefer real butter (for the flavor) or canola oil (a healthier alternative).  But I didn't have time to tinker with the recipe, so I just made it as is. The bread baked up just fine, and I enjoyed it.  My only compliant is that it was a little bland.  For some reason, I couldn't really taste the blueberries, which was disappointing.  In the future, I'll probably try to look for another recipe if I ever find myself with blueberries and bananas that need to be used up.

If you know of a good blueberry bread recipe, please share.  I would love to try it sometime.


  1. Sounds good, too bad it wasn't great. Depending on your preferences, a little lemon or orange zest might perk up the flavor. If you like the flavor, some almond extract might do the trick too. One more idea, a little coconut or some coconut extract? Sometimes it's fun to figure out how to "improve" a recipe to my tastes!

  2. Oh, I like all those ideas! I need to teach myself that it's OK to "stray" from a recipe every once and a while.
