Saturday, July 2, 2011

Healthier banana bread, part II

Hello, everyone!  Hope you are all enjoying the Independence Day weekend.  If you're like me, you are probably too busy to spend time on the computer, so I'll keep this short.

Now that it's berry season, I've replaced the bananas in my morning bowl of cereal with berries. Yet I keep buying bananas, even though they turn brown before I use them.  (I'm not a big fan of brown bananas in soggy cereal.)

Usually, if I have any leftover bananas, I cut them up and put them in the freezer, so they're ready for when I'm in the mood for smoothies or banana bread.  A few weeks ago, I came across this recipes for Heavenly Healthy Banana Bread from King Arthur Flour.  Like a lot of folks, I'm trying to add more whole grains to my diet, and this bread is 100 percent whole wheat.

Admittedly, I was a little skeptical.  The last whole-wheat bread I baked was a little too dense for my liking.  But I had so many extra bananas to use up, I thought why not give this recipe I try.  And I'm so glad I did.  This turned out fantastic!  The bread was very moist, and the banana flavor really shined through.  If someone served this bread to me, I don't think I would realize it was 100 percent whole wheat.  Please give this recipe a try if you have a couple (or a dozen!) extra bananas to use up.

And on a side note, have a great July 4th!  Thanks to all the servicemen and women who protect our freedoms!

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