Thursday, June 23, 2011

Bucket list

I don't really like to talk about my work that much on this blog, because I'm a rather shy person and still have reservations about sharing my life to all on the World Wide Web.  (I wonder sometimes how professional bloggers share their everyday lives so easily.)  But I've had some pretty amazing things happen to me while on the job that I just had to share with someone.

If you didn't already know, I'm an ag journalist, so I spend a lot of time traveling the state of Iowa, meeting some amazing people and visiting all kinds of farms -- small farms, big farms, dairy farms, hog farms, organic farms and conventional farms.  A lot of people think Iowa farmers just grow corn and hogs, but in reality, Iowa agriculture is very diverse and vibrant.  There's room for all types of farms, and our hungry world needs them all.

A couple weeks ago, I visited a dairy goat farm in western Iowa.  While giving me a tour of the milking parlor, the farmers asked if I wanted to milk a goat.  At first, I was embarrassed. But then I said, "Why not!"  Next thing I know I was milking a goat, and believe it or not, I actually liked it.  The goats were very calm, and it wasn't "icky" at all to milk a goat. Now I can't stop daydreaming about raising my own dairy goats someday!

So now I can cross "milking a goat" off my bucket list!

Then earlier this week, I visited a farm where the family raised Clydesdale horses - like the Budweiser Clydesdales.  When I arrived, the family had the Clydesdales hitched to a hay rack, and they offered to give me a ride!  On the way back to their farm, they asked if I wanted to drive the horses down the gravel road.  Oh heck yeah!  And I must say, I did a pretty good job leading those horses -- until we hit a hay bale with the cart!  But no harm done :)

I was too busy with the horses to take a picture, but here's one I snapped of the farmer and the Clydesdales.

So now I can cross "drive a team of horses" off my bucket list!

1 comment:

  1. How great to see these photos of you! I like getting to know you a little better Teresa! We've visited the Clydesdales at Busch Gardens, they are an amazing breed of horse. I can't believe you got to drive the team! How cool is that!
