Monday, May 9, 2011

Will drive for cheese curds

Hello everyone!  I'm back in the house after a couple minutes of power gardening in the summer-like 80 degree temps.  Tomorrow, the thermometer is supposed to top 90 degrees. That should really get my garden growing.

A few weekends ago, I drove up to visit my dad in La Crosse, Wis.  We took his girlfriend, Kim, out for a birthday lunch.  My dad had the wonderful idea to stop at Houghton's Fine Dining in La Crosse.  I'd never been there before, so I was looking forward to trying something new.

And look what greeted us at the door.  Only in Wisconsin.

I loved this fun, relaxed restaurant.  We stopped in the mid-afternoon before the weekend crowds started to arrive.  The restaurant has a large bar area that's decorated with old musical instruments on the walls.

Of course, when you're in Wisconsin, you have to splurge on the cheese.  My dad ordered up a plate of fried cheese curds.  They were absolutely perfect!  The breading wasn't too heavy, just nice and crunchy.  Served up with marinara sauce, I couldn't stop dunking and eating.

The special of the day was the reuben sandwich.  Sorry, no pictures, but it was a treat.  I always love a good reuben.  La Crosse has so many wonderful restaurants.  I'm happy to discover a new one.

1 comment:

  1. Oh, I forgot how much I love cheese curds and miss them. A great childhood memory for me, after school I would stop at our local Dariette and buy some cheese curds. Thank you for sharing!
