Thursday, May 19, 2011

Rhubarb apple bread

Oh dear!  I have more rhubarb than I know what to do with.

Our four rhubarb plants are growing like gang-busters this year.  Maybe it's because of the rainy, cool spring weather?  Whatever the reason, I still have a lot of rhubarb to experiement with, and plenty to freeze for winter use.

I recently baked up the absolutely best rhubarb quick bread I've ever made.  It's another recipe from Two Peas and Their Pod.  I'm completely smitten by all their recipes.  So much so that I'm trying a new recipe of theirs about every week.  And this rhubarb apple bread was so yummy!  It's got a generous amount of cinnamon, which my husband loves.  And the rhubarb in this bread wasn't very tart, so it's a good recipe for people who aren't rhubarb fans (although I can't imagine why anyone wouldn't love rhubarb).

If you have a few extra stalks of rhubarb from the farmers' market, or if you live in a rhubarb jungle like myself, then give this quick bread recipe a try.


  1. I love rhubarb, that is one thing I surely miss this time of year. Here in Florida you wouldn't believe how they sell it, in a small package for big bucks, or frozen...just not the same. You could send some down! :D

    Your bread looks amazing. I like just rhubarb pie, not with strawberries.

  2. Just made this bread and I must say, four of us ate the whole loaf in under 20 minutes. Good stuff! Thanks for the recipe.

  3. Wow! Glad you all liked it. I'm hoping to make a couple more loaves to put in the freezer this weekend. Can't believe how much rhubarb we have growing this year.

  4. nice post dear blogger
