Monday, January 3, 2011

A Winter's Rest

So far, this winter has been rather pleasant, weather-wise.  I haven't had to take any snow days away from work, and the snow has arrived on the weekends, when I can stay home and avoid a white-knuckled commute to work.

But when it snows on a weekend, that also means I'm tucked away in my house for two to three days at a time.  Add to that the holiday days off from work, and I've had a lot of time to sit and reflect the last few weeks.

I usually try to make resolutations for the New Year, but right now, I can't think of a single resolution I want to achieve.  Is that strange?  I could set a fitness goal, like running a half marathon, but I find that those are difficult to achieve because it's dependent on how much training my body can take. I've tried for years to train for long-distance races, but I keep getting injured.  I've decided it's time to move on and set a more realistic goal of just trying to incorporate as much physical activity into my days as possible, whether it's biking, yoga, jogging, walking or swimming.

I could set a career goal for myself.  But I would rather focus on my life outside of work.  I usually try to spend the winters learning a new hobby or craft, but nothing is inspiring me lately.

So maybe if I am going to resolve to do something, it will be to just see where life will take me this year.  Oh, and to have more fun.  I think I take things way to seriously (for example, all thought I've put into making New Year's resolutions).

Do you have any resolutions for the new year?

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