Monday, December 13, 2010

First winter snow

Today, I left the house for the first time in two days. We had our first blizzard of the season.

I took a few pictures of the snow as it first started falling in the morning. We got another 2 inches after these photos were taken. I didn't want to go back outside and take more pictures, because the winds were howling. I thought the shingles were going to blow off the roof!


Not sure if it was the squirrels or rabbits, but something was already digging around in the fresh snow.

So what did we do while we were snowed in for two days?  Well, my husband got to work on a few home improvements projects.  I boxed up a few books to donate to the library, finally put up my Christmas tree and baked a few more Christmas cookies to pass the time.  When I finally left the house this morning, it was a bit of a shock to see all the ice and snow.  Here's hoping for an early spring!

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