Monday, October 25, 2010

Dog-gone fun

For the record, it is really, really, really hard to take photos of dogs.

These doggies didn't want to stand still.  There was way, way too much excitement at the Central Iowa Pet Expo at the State Fairgrounds in Des Moines.  This pooch was sporting purple to celebrate the occassion. (I'm not sure why she was purple, by the way.)

It would be great to adopt a dog, but my hubby and I have decided against it.  We're both away from home too much, and we don't like the idea of caging a dog outside or inside while we are gone.  We both grew up on farms, so we think dogs should be free to roam.

But...maybe someday we might give in a get a little lap dog.  They can be so friendly and adorable.

The Pet Expo has become an annual tradition for my sister and I.  My sister has always loved animals.  When we were little girls growing up on the farm, she spent all her time outside playing with the cats and dogs in our farmyard. 

Now my sister has a house cat, and she loves to buy her little toys.  She bought a hand-made pet pillow for $15 at the Expo this year.  She called me as soon as she got home to tell me that her cat loved the pillow.  Best $15 she ever spent :)

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