Thursday, August 12, 2010

Iowa Road Trip: Bridges of Madison County

I recently traveled through Winterset in Madison County, Iowa, to meet with a young farm family.  On my way back to the office, I couldn't resist following the road signs to one of the famous Bridges of Madison County.

No, I didn't find Clint Eastwood and his broken down pick-up truck waiting for me by the bridge.  But I did find a nice little roadside park and several tourists taking a detour from their cross-country travels to see the covered bridges for themselves.

It was super hot outside (90+ degrees), and I was dressed in jeans and a cardigan sweater (yes, I dress to stay warm in office air-conditioning), so I didn't dawdle too long to take pictures.

I was thrilled to see a small patch of wildflowers growing next to the park's gazebo.

One last look at that beautiful historic bridge.

Now back to the office.  I've got pages to edit, stories to write, deadlines to meet!

1 comment:

  1. At first glance, I thought the bridge is tilted by 45 degrees to the left, but on other shots, it looks just fine. Talking about road trips, simple things like these go a long way, especially if you want to appreciate the scenery around you.
