Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Mid-summer garden

Hello everyone!  Hope you had a great fourth of July.  I spent the weekend moving furniture in a U-Haul (not a really exciting holiday), but I did get to spend some quality time at home, which was wonderful.

It's been a while since I blogged about my garden.  I took a few pictures before the rains hit, again.  We've had above normal rainfall so far this summer, and it has really impacted my garden.  A lot of the vegetables I planted early (kohlrabi, banana peppers, cabbage) didn't survive the wet weather and the early-season insect pressure.


However, my container plants are doing very well.

The hollyhocks have never looked better.

 Yesterday, my husband and I were dropping off the U-Haul, and we found a roadside greenhouse offering all plants half off.  So we bought a couple more tomatoes and a few cucumber plants.  I know it's a little late in the year to plant them, but I don't like unused space in the garden.  Can't wait to see how they grow.

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