Monday, May 31, 2010

Memorial Day in Small Town Iowa

When I was a kid, my grandparents would take the family on trips to local cemetaries to visit the graves of our relatives.  I enjoyed walking the cemetary with my grandpa and dad, asking questions about our relatives.  I remember seeing the flags next to the graves of veterans, and even at a young age, I understood that they deserved a special honor for their sacrifice.

As I write this, I'm watching the Arlington Cemetary Memorial Day service, listening to the bugel play Taps.  Always brings tears to my eyes, thinking of the young soldiers who gave up their lives for our country's freedom.

As a woman, I'm especially grateful to our brave soldiers.  Because of their sacrifice, I'm able to make my own decisions on how I live my life.  I can choose who I marry, and where I want to live.  I can get an education.  I can choose to work in an office, raise kids or both.  So many women in this world don't have this freedom.  And I have to admit, I take it for granted most days.

So thanks to our vets and soldiers.  Your nation is grateful.

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