Thursday, April 15, 2010

HBin5: Pizza

I strayed from this week's Healthy Bread in 5 assignment.  I'm not really interested in trying gluten-free recipes; thankfully, neither my husband nor I have glutten allergies. I thought this would be a good week to try the olive oil pizza crust recipes in the "Artisan Bread in 5 Minutes a Day" cookbook, which I bought at the same time as HBin5.

The whole reason I decided to splurge on a baking stone was so I could make restaurant-quality pizza at home.  We don't have a pizza delivery place in my town, so we have to make do with ingredients we can find in our little grocery store.

I'm happy to report that the ABin5 pizza dough turned out amazing!  I had a little trouble rolling it out to 1/4-inch thickness as was recommended in the book.  I don't have enough counter space to roll dough easily.  And when I tried to slide my first pizza off the peel onto the stone, an edge of the pizza rolled under, and then the cheese ended up sticking to the stone, so I couldn't get the pizza easily off the stone. But after some wiggling with a spatula, the pizza finally came off the stone.  And it looked beautiful!


I ended up making two medium-size pizzas - a pepperoni and a "taco" with seasoned ground beef, lettuce, tomato and doritos added after baking.  My husband ended up eating nearly an entire pizza by himself.

Again, I can't get over how easy these pizzas are.  The last time I made pizza dough this fall I accidentally let rise for too long, and I had to mix up another batch last minute.  It's so much easier just to mix the dough in a bucket and then let it rise in the fridge.  These no-knead recipes are terrific!

Please visit Big Black Dog to see how the other bloggers fared with their gluten-free recipes.


  1. I love having dough on hand in order to make pizza at a minute's notice. Everyone in my house (minus one) loves homemade pizza and this has made my life so much easier! Besides I am so happy with the crust once the pizza is done. Your pizzas look fabulous!

  2. Try using your dining table to roll out your dough. A table is a bit lower too and so much easier for rolling!

    Your pizzas sound and look great. Never had a taco pizza before and it's something I should look into!

  3. It's true what you said about the ease of using that dough. I use it and have fallen in love with it for a variety of reasons. Your pizza's look wonderful.

  4. I love your pizza......wish I could have a piece of it.....looks great!!!

  5. I still haven't bought a stone yet for my breads, but I'd love to try baking on one. Your pizza looks like it turned out great!

  6. Glad to know I'm not the only one who strayed from the assignment! Great pizza!

  7. Your pizza looks great! I usually just spread the dough out with my fingers rather than trying to roll it out. Much easier. I love using the ABin5 and HBin5 dough for pizza as well! Yum!

  8. I was so looking forward to a pic of the taco pizza! I gather it went too fast for pictures! LOL. I've used this recipe also and love love love it! Great pic!

  9. As an alternative to the dining room table for rolling dough, I make 2 smaller ones. Also, I always roll on parchment paper. (I get too sad when the whole pizza sticks to the peel and the topping slides off onto the floor of the oven.) The dough sticks to the paper a bit and makes it easier to get it thin. Then I shove the crust, with parchment paper, into the oven for about 5 minutes. Then is take it out, top it, slide it off the parchment paper onto the peel and back into the oven.

  10. Pass me a piece of that pizza, looks amazing.
