Sunday, March 7, 2010

Martha Mondays: Chocolate marble quick bread

I love baking quick breads.  They are so simple and easy to make, and the results are almost always delicious.  So I was thrilled to try this week's Martha Mondays pick, Chocolate Marble Quick Bread with Ganache.

I usually have terrible luck with "marbled" recipes -- the swirls tend to just mush together.  But for this recipe, the batter was thick enough that it didn't all run together and it was easy to create the pretty "swirl" in the bread.  And the chocolate ganache frosting is a brilliant addition.  I ate more than a couple spoonfuls of the ganache all on its own.

My quick bread turned out a little dry, but I think that's because I don't have the right size pans.  Has anyone else noticed that all the bread recipes call for an 8 inch pan, when all I can find at the local stores are 9 inch pans?  I have the same problem with cake and pie recipes.  The recies always call for smaller pans than I can find at the store.

Anyhow, this was a fantastic recipe, and it was so much fun to make on a rainy day.  Thanks to Megan's Cookin' for the recipe.  Please visit Martha and Me to see how the other bloggers did with the recipe.


  1. The ganache was good on its own - so good that I had to put hot water in the bowl to stop me eating it! I hadn't tried quick bread before so don't know about the texture, but I just found it too chocolatey - although heated up is very nice with a little cream!

  2. It looks perfect. I made mini loaves in an attempt to give them away and not eat the whole loaf! Thanks for baking with me this pick!

  3. It sure looks good, a definite add to my must try list.
