Wednesday, March 31, 2010

HBin5: Carrot bread

Hello everyone!  I found time this weekend to bake the Carrot Bread for the Healthy Bread in 5 blog club.  I was really curious to try this recipe, since I often bake carrot quick bread and carrot muffins as breakfast treats.  I wondered how the HBin5 version would compare to my favorites.

Once again, the carrot bread was super easy to make, with ingredients I already had in my pantry and refrigerator.  I used a "Cherries and Goldens" dried fruit mix that my husband bought in bulk a while back as an grocery deal.

The carrot bread wasn't as pretty as some of the other HBin5 loaves I've tried.  I had a little trouble forming the "gluten cloak" with all the shredded carrot getting in the way, which may be why the loaf looked a little lumpy coming out of the oven.

Like the other HBin5 recipes, the texture of this bread was wonderful -- very tender and moist.  But I have to admit that the carrot bread was just OK to me.  It didn't have the same sweetness as my other favorite carrot bread and muffin recipes (although that's probably a good thing, health wise).  So in the future, if I'm going to take the time to grate carrots, I'll probably turn to my good ol' morning glory muffins.

But this was still a fun recipe to try.  Please visit Big Black Dog to see how the bread turned out for the other participating bloggers.


  1. I think if the recipe called for double the coconut it would have been a much tastier bread! My loaf was lumpy on top too but sometimes that's how it is! We enjoyed it toasted with lots of butter!

  2. I made several changes in the recipe based on some comments that were being made on the group emails to sweeten the dough up. The dough I ended up with was wonderful, don't give up on the idea all together.

  3. oh its looks great I loved this one as well Rebecca

  4. Looks good to me.......thanks for sharing

  5. This was a fun recipe to try. I thought it was pretty good. I would've liked more coconut flavor though.

  6. I think it's great you all do this! It looks wonderful!

  7. I thought the bread could have been more flavorful as well. I think it is worth adding a bit more sweetener and I might try this one again. I thought it was a pretty dough.

  8. I made last time's breads and am yet to make the carrot bread. Yours looks good to me.

  9. I think your loaf looks great. It wasn't as sweet as a regular carrot bread, but I'm with Michelle, toasted with butter it was grand. Good baking!

  10. I tried making French toast with mine and it was really, really good but I didn't care for the bread just on its own either.

  11. Delicious looking! Thank you!

  12. I think I like the morning glory bread and muffins better also but I do have a sweet tooth. I put a little extra coconut in mine and I put raisins and dried cranberries. When I took a bite with the cranberries it was sweeter. I think someone put dates in tiers and I expect that was sweeter.

  13. I'm definitely in agreement with you on this. I think this dough would be a great jumping off point for something like cinnamon rolls, etc. where you add extra sugar. But on it's own, I didn't think it had that WOW factor.
