Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Peanut butter goodness

Another winter storm kept me home last week, so I decided to warm up the house by turning on the oven to bake.

A few weeks back, I found refrigerated cookie dough on sale.  I could probably count on my hand how many times I've bought ready-made cookie dough.  I love to bake from scratch, and cookies are so easy to make.  But I've been itching to try the Pillsbury Cook-Off million dollar winning Double Delight Peanut Butter Cookies.  So I picked up a tube of cookie dough at the grocery store.

I've been craving peanut butter like crazy this winter.  Not exactly sure why, but I've been eating a lot of PB&J sandwiches and adding a spoonful of PB to my hot oatmeal in the morning.  It really helps curb the mid-morning slump.  So I loved the idea of a peanut butter cookie with a surprise peanut butter filling.

First, I mixed together peanut butter and powdered sugar, then rolled mixture into tiny balls.

Then I wrapped peanut butter cookie dough around the PB balls.  Rolled the cookie dough in cinnamon and sugar, then popped them in an oven.

Ten minutes later, these lovelies were done. they aren't much to look at.  But, boy, did I love these.  Lucky for me, my husband doesn't really like peanut butter cookies, so I had the whole batch pretty much to myself.  Wahoo!

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