Monday, November 2, 2009

Playing with a new toy

A few weeks back, I gave my husband a food dehydrator for his birthday. Admittedly, this was a selfish gift. I've been eyeing these dehydrators for months now on my Amazon wish list. I couldn't come up with a better idea for a gift, and I knew he was interested in making homemade jerky, so I ended up buying the dehydrator. He was pretty excited when he opened his gift up.

I've been making frequent trips to a local apple orchard for honeycrisp apples (both my husband and I can't get enough of these candy-like apples), so I bought an extra bag of Jonathon apples to experiment with apple chips in the dehydrator.

We used a fun little apple corer I received from my sis last Christmas to make the apple rings.
Then Josh stacked up the apples in the trays.

He left the peels on, and I'm glad he did. It really adds to the beauty of the apple chips, don't you think?

The apple chips turned out wonderful, and I love that they don't have the preservative taste of the dried fruit I usually buy at the store. My husband also made a batch coated with cinnamon and a touch of brown sugar. I taste-tested those cinnamon apple chips last night, and they were divine! Can't wait to see what else he tries in his new toy.


  1. I always wanted to try a dehydrator too. Looks good. You'll have to let us know how the jerky turns out.

    Your counter top looks just like mine, lol!

  2. Love it! We've had our dehydrator since the our first married Christmas. We just make beef jerky, but I may have to try some apples on it thanks to you! Thanks for sharing!

  3. The apples really did turn out amazing. I can't stop snacking on them. Josh put a little fruit preservative on them, which I found next to the canning jars in our grocery store. Now he's been sprinkling the apples with cinnamon and sugar, too. They are so good!

  4. Teresa, I'm buying one of these today, FINALLY!!! Your apple slices look great and just another reason to own a dehydrator ;)
