Friday, October 23, 2009

Leaving fall

I walked out my front door on my way to work earlier this week and was greeted by this breathtaking site...
The trees in our neighborhood reached their fall color peak this week.

I'm fortunate to live in a very old neighborhood (our house is 100-plus years old) with some big, gorgeous trees.

Unfortunately, it has been raining non-stop this week. Most of the leaves have already fallen off the trees and are piled up on our sidewalk.

Notice that our next-door neighbors had already cleaned up the leaves off their sidewalk. You can tell my husband and I are former farm kids; no farmer has time to rake leaves during harvest!
By the way, farmers here in Iowa are struggling to get their crops out of the fields. It's been wet, really wet, so they've been stuck in the house when they are itching to get their combines rolling. I read today that the harvest this fall is the slowest on record since the 1940s. And there is more rain the forecast. Let's hope farmers can get the crops out before the snow flies.

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful pictures! Takes me back. It's nice to see the leave change colors.

    We have I think six big Live Oak trees in our yard. I'll have to get a photo of them with the spanish moss hanging from them. I really miss Maple trees.

    Here's hoping the farmers can get their crops out in time, I sure know they work hard enough!
