Sunday, August 23, 2009

How my garden grows

It wasn't a big haul, but I started picking the first tomatoes from my garden last week. I also picked a baby acorn squash, since the others on the vine have been attacked by bugs before they get a chance to grow. I'm getting a few cucumbers each week, as well, but not enought to make a jar of pickles.

My backyard garden is so colorful right now. The flowers are looking great thanks to the recent rains. And I can't believe the size of the marigolds. They were just little seedlings when I bought them from the Des Moines FFA greenhouse sale last May.

Another view of the vegetable/flower garden. The marigolds really have taken over.

My perinnual garden is also blooming, although it's not as colorful as it has been in past years. Some of the flowers didn't come back from last winter's subzero temperatures.

Found this strange worm (or is it a catepillar) on my cucumber plants. Very strange. It didn't move the whole time I was taking this picture.

The tomatoes are growing out of control. I've tried to pinch the vines back, but they just want to keep growing. Still not many ripe tomatoes yet.

Josh's clematis vines are blooming like crazy. So pretty!

The glads are also looking beautiful, although they keep falling down under their own weight. These blooms are in a vase on my kitchen counter.

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