Thursday, July 25, 2013

Peaches and cream popsicles

I bought a set of popsicle molds a couple years at a local kitchen supply store. But I have to admit, I've only used them twice.  I've been seeing a lot of homemade popsicle recipes floating around the Internet again lately, so I thought it would be fun to dig these out again.

I bought these popsicle molds because of the non-stick silicone. However, I wish I would have just bought one of the cheaper popsicle mold sets at Wal-Mart. It's a little difficult to get the popsicles out of the molds when they are frozen. And the drip tray actually makes it hard to eat the bottom of the popsicle.  Here's a photo of the popsicle in the mold. Definitely cute but not very practical.

I ended up making the peaches and cream popsicles from Skinny Taste, and they were excellent.  I used non-fat milk instead of almond milk, because that's what I keep in my fridge.  I've been eating these popsicles as an after-workout snack, which has really hit the spot in this hot weather.

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