Thursday, October 11, 2012

Autumn leaves on the High Trestle Trail

I took a few days off work and spent an afternoon on the High Trestle Trail in central Iowa.  The leaves were just starting to change color, and the milkweed seeds were out. They look like little cotton balls.

I passed a couple of corn fields as the combines were harvesting the crop.  They were kicking up a lot of dust in this dry weather.  This farmer waved at me when I rode by on my bike.

I love the contrast of blue sky and golden fall colors.  It was a gorgeous day, and I'm glad I took some time off from work to enjoy it.

Did you take a road trip to see the fall leaves?  What's your favorite place to see the autumn colors?


  1. Instead of taking the Interstate (I80) I like to take the county roads through Iowa to see the beauties of nature. I've discovered some wonderful places and then gone back to them. I like the Sutcliffe Woods between Audubon and Guthrie Center on 44.

  2. Thanks for the travel tip! Hwy 44 is such a scenic drive.
