Thursday, August 30, 2012

Iowa eats: Bauder's Ice Cream

Last week, our boss surprised us by bringing in Bauder's ice cream as a thank you for working at the Iowa State Fair.  The Bauder's ice cream trailer is an always popular destination at the fair.  We were treated to the famous peppermint bar.  As you can see, it's peppermint ice cream sandwiched between two layers of crumbled chocolate cookies.  It was so good!  I ate my bar at my desk while editing pages.

Oh, and I should mention that there is also a layer of hot fudge in the Bauder's peppermint ice cream bar.  As if a giant ice cream treat wasn't rich enough!

Have you ever stopped for Bauder's ice cream?  What's your favorite ice cream destination?


  1. Yes! I love the peppermint bars at Bauder's stand at the fair, too! It's one of my must-haves every year, this year included. When I started reading the first paragraph of your post, I thought, oh no, she didn't mention the hot fudge under the Oreo top layer! But then I read on.....the hot fudge layer definitely puts this treat over the top. Now I just need to take the time to try to make this at home!

    A favorite ice cream destination, outside the state fair, is Goldie's in Prairie City. My kids and I head to the the Neal Smith Wildlife Refuge to stroll through the prairie and watch the bison, then we head into town for lunch (a pizza burger for me) and ice cream, which usually ends up being the flavor of the week (my favorite is black raspberry). Yum!

  2. Oh yes, I love Goldie's. Never tried the ice cream, though. I always order the pork tenderloin sandwich. I'll have to get ice cream next time.

  3. Teresa, I finally made the peppermint bars myself, as a pie, with homemade ice cream and hot fudge sauce. It was just like having a Bauder's peppermint bar, and I so enjoyed not having to wait for the state fair! Thought you might be interested in trying it yourself, so check out the recipe when you get a chance. It was so worth it, and I still have plenty of the pie left in my freezer to enjoy through the holidays!
