Saturday, November 26, 2011

Thanksgiving successes & messes

 Hello everyone! Hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving, with plenty of pie!

Once again this year, my hubby and I enjoyed Thanksgiving together at home.  It's quite a marathon to put together an entire Thanksgiving meal, even when it's just for two.  This year, I made all the classics: cranberry sauce, pumpkin pie, green bean casserole, marshmallow-topped sweet potatoes.  My husband is an expert at making gravy, so I let him take over that task.

Can't believe I ate this whole plate of food! On the plate: stuffing, cranberry-apple sauce, sweet potato casserole, green bean casserole, mashed potatoes, dinner rolls and, of course, turkey.
Thought I'd share a few of my successes and messes from Thanksgiving meal prep.  I'm hoping I'll look back at a few of these later on for a good laugh:

Success:  We decided to roast the turkey the night before to save time the next day.
Mess:  I dropped the turkey on the floor!  No kidding!  I pulled the turkey out of the oven and set it on top of the stove to check the temp.  When I turned around to grab the food thermometer, I heard a loud clatter and saw the turkey and roast pan drop to the floor!  Thankfully, I cooked the turkey in a Reynolds bag.  So my husband just picked the turkey bag up, plopped it back in the roasting pan and put it back in the oven to finish cooking. Some of the liquid spilled onto the floor. But otherwise, the bag protected the turkey!  We're still laughing about this one today!

Success:  I finished preparing the entire Thanksgiving meal before noon!
Mess:  I ended up leaving the pumpkin pie in the oven a little too long, and the crust got way too brown -- almost black on the edges.

Success:  I woke up early to burn a few extra calories at a 7 a.m. Spin class.
Mess:  I didn't have time to take a shower until 1 p.m.!

So how was your Thanksgiving this year?  Did you cook the turkey yourself, or do you get together for a big family gathering?  Hopefully, your turkey stayed off the floor!

I'm thankful for all you blog readers out there.  You really inspire me to try new things and not be afraid to fail every once and a while.

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