Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Waiting (impatiently) for spring

I've definitely got a full-fledged case of spring fever.  I wish we could just skip April and May and go right to summer's warm temperatures and sunny days. You can imagine I was a little disappointed when I woke up last week to see this outside my window.

It's hard enough to get up in the dark every morning (I'm still adjusting to the time change) without wondering if I need to scrape the snow off the car.

I've also been super busy at work, so to distract myself from worrying about deadlines, I turn to my favorite hobbies.  I drove all over town trying to find the ingredients for these Sunflower Chip Cookies.  They just made me think spring!

Trader Joe's had a whole display of Sunflower Butter, but they were out of the sunflower seeds. So I stopped by a local Kum & Go gas station, and sure enough, I found the sunflower seeds there. That's where my husband always buys them; it's one of his favorite snacks.

Unfortunately, my hubby didn't really care for these cookies.  But I did discover that I love sunflower butter! Who would have guessed?

A couple days later, I saw another spring-time recipe for Strawberry Cake that I couldn't resist trying.  Really, I look for any excuse to buy strawberries.  And I was happy to see these were Florida-grown. Do you ever look at the country-of-origin labels on produce?  I try to buy USA-grown whenever possible. I'm a big supporter of American farmers.

Anyhow, back to the cake, it turned out beautiful.  But again, my (picky) husband wasn't a fan.  He said he expects a cake to "wow" him, and this one didn't.  I disagree, however.  I thought this was a lovely, old-fashioned cake.

One more sign of spring for me is the beginning of the 5K race season.  I ran the Iowa State University Doughnut Run 5K this weekend.  Sadly, the race was a little too fast, so I couldn't stomach eating any doughnuts while running like the college kids can.  But I got this cool glass to take home. 

How are you getting ready for spring?

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