Sunday, March 27, 2011

Almond bark pretzels

My hubby left me alone on Friday night to visit a friend, and it was way, way too quiet in the house.  So I decided to have a little fun with a bag of almond bark leftover from Christmas. I melted the almond bark in the microwave to dip peanut butter filled pretzels.

I started out by dipping the entire pretzel in almond bark but decided it was too sweet. So I ended up just dipping the tops (or is the bottoms) of the pretzels.

I've been snacking on these all weekend.  They would make a great sweet treat for an Easter party, baby shower or bridal shower.  Why wait until Christmas to enjoy almond bark pretzels?


  1. Ooo these sound great! and just in time for our company easter party! thank you!!

  2. Thanks! Sorry that there isn't a photo. I'm having blog issues, for some reason.

  3. oh thats ok! id rather eat them right now! ha ha, im from Clarinda Iowa! :)
