Saturday, February 19, 2011

Treats for my sweetie

I've been feeling a little under the weather this week, so I haven't been doing much of anything.  I did manage, however, to make a few Valentine's Day treats for my hubby.  He requested that I bake him up a batch of chocolate-dipped heart cookies.  It's one of the first recipes I tried when I was learning how to bake.  Nowadays, I try to bake mostly from scratch, but these cookies are made with refrigerated cookie dough.  Admittedly, it's pretty great not to have to make a super mess in the kitchen and use pre-made dough and cake mix once and a while.  These would be a great kitchen activity for kids, as well.

Of course, I couldn't resist trying a new brownie recipe for V-Day.  I've seen the Bon Appetite recipe for Browned Butter Brownies with Walnuts floating around the food blogoshere, and they looked absolutely divine.  So I baked up my own batch, and they turned out amazing, as promised.  I think it's my new favorite brownie recipe -- and surprisingly easy!

 Do you have a favorite treat you like to make for your sweetheart?

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