Saturday, December 25, 2010

Deck the Halls!

Merry Christmas, everyone!  Hope you are enjoying your holidays, whether you're cozying up at home or traveling to see friends and family. 

As an early Christmas present to myself, I visited Reiman Gardens in Ames to see the Christmas trees on display.  I was greeted outside the front entrance by statuesque women in colorful scarves.

But I have a feeling a scarf is the least of this woman's problems.

(Thanks to the UPS man who parked right in my camera's view as I was taking the photo.)

As I walked inside and down the hallway, there were trees decorated in monochromatic colors -- green, blue, orange and pink.

The tree decorations were inspired by garden gazing balls.  Some of the ornaments were huge!  There were gazing balls underneath each tree.  I was told that some of these gazing balls were actually old bowling balls, some decorated with glass mosaics.

A Christmas tree decked out in the same monochromatic ornaments was the centerpiece of the tropical greenhouse.  Gazing balls and poinsettias surrounded the tree, adding to amazing color to the display.

Thanks to the Reiman Gardens for creating a beautiful Christmas display for families to enjoy on their holiday break.

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