Sunday, August 29, 2010

Pickled! Again!

I'm very pleased to report that the Mrs. Pickler cucumbers I planted in early June have grown wonderfully in my little backyard garden. I've been busy the last few weekends picking my home-grown cucumbers to make dill pickles.

I decided to try the Best-Ever Dill Pickle recipe in the July issue of Better Homes and Gardens.  My only alteration was that I used fresh dill from my garden instead of dill seeds.  I also added a garlic bulb to a few of the jars, just to see how it would taste.

My new secret ingredient this year is Pickle Crisp, which I learned helps keep the cucumbers crunchy.  All the pickles I canned last year ended up mushy, so I'm hoping the Pickle Crisp helps.  I couldn't find it in my local grocery store, so I ordered Pickle Crisp from the website.

I'm really proud of how beautiful the jars turned out.  We'll see if they taste just as good.

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