Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Last look at winter?

I am thrilled to report that the snow is finally melting!  Daytime temps have been above freezing, and we're expecting 40-degree weather this weekend.  Yippee!

Earlier this week, I looked outside I saw that our giant icicle fell off our roof.  It shattered into pieces on the ground.  Thankfully, the gutter is still intact, although a little bent out of shape.

Before the big thaw, my hubby and I drove to a nearby state park to see if there were any ice-fishing huts out on the lake.  We saw a few pick-ups parked on the ice, and more than a dozen snowmobilers scooting around on the frozen lake.

We also saw a group of kids sledding down a giant hill...

I need to get a sled!  Yippee!


  1. When I was a kid growing up in Michigan it always seemed like if you put your winter coat away too soon, winter would come back and bite you in the bum. Here in Florida this is the longest we've had such cold temperatures in the twenty years I've lived here. This weekend we are finally supposed to get back in the 70's normal temps for this time of year.

    You should get a sled!

  2. Wow! I didn't realize it's been such a cold winter in Florida, too. It's been strange to hear about snow in places like Atlanta and Texas this year. I think I've talked myself into getting a pair of snowshoes for next year!
