Sunday, February 7, 2010

Always time for turkey

Back at Thanksgiving time, I bought an extra turkey while it was on sale.  I decided to roast the turkey this weekend, partly out of winter boredom and partly to make more room in the freezer.  I used a handy-dandy oven bag to roast up the turkey with little fuss.

My husband carved up the turkey before I had a chance to take pictures.  But he immediately knew what he wanted to make with it:  hot turkey sandwiches.  Every little diner and cafe in Iowa serves hot beef or hot turkey sandwiches.  It's the ultimate in economical comfort food -- white bread topped with a mound of mash potatoes, roast turkey or beef and a generous helping of gravy.  My husband is excellent at making gravy, and these hot turkey sandwiches turned out amazing.  Such a treat on another snowy day.

1 comment:

  1. Looks yummy! I have a turkey in the freezer too. Good idea! I should put it in the frige so I can cook it!
