Sunday, September 6, 2009

You say tomato

Driving through my neighborhood, I see dozens of tomato plants with ripe, red tomatoes on the vine. Yet my garden hasn't yielded one ripe tomato, until last week. Here's my first red tomato. It's not so pretty, but it's mine!

Since I can't do much with one tomato, I bought 10 pounds of tomatoes this week from Black's Heritage Farms in Ames so I could can tomatoes. Once again, canning tomatoes was suprisingly easy, except for the time involved. I decided to break out the pressure canner for the first time. However, it took well over an hour to pressure-can the tomatoes. Next time, I'll probably just process them in a boiling-water bath.

I found blueberries on sale at Fareway, so I also baked blueberry muffins while I was waiting for the tomatoes to process. These muffins have quickly become our favorite. I always make several batches in the summer, put them in the freezer and then heat one up in the microwave for breakfast.

1 comment:

  1. I'm in the same boat with tomatoes, I haven't had many either. The plants did well and have lots of green ones but are so slow to ripen with this not so hot weather. I'm in need of tomato juice and salsa for the winter! I finally have enough to make a triple batch of salsa, I hope, tomorrow. Let the mad peeling begin! Those muffins look very tasty too!
