Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Always room for chocolate

Now that the weather has turned chilly (we're expecting lows in the 40s this week), I'm in the mood for fall baking. I'm already making lists in my head of all the cookies and treats I want to bake for Christmas this year (definitely molasses cookies, but should I try something new?) So I was tickled to find several new cookie recipes in the last issue of "Taste of Home" magazine.

I took some time off work last week to do some "tinkering" in the kitchen. I tried this recipe for "My Kid's Favorite Cookies." (Must register to view.) It was a super easy recipe that called for ingredients I already had in my cupboards, including coconut and brown sugar. The only ingredients I needed to buy from the store were the Hershey candy bars.

The cookies turned out great, although I may have undercooked them a little at just 10 minutes in the oven. I like my cookies golden brown on the bottom. It was fun to press the Hershey chocolates into the cookies and watch them melt on contact.

This recipe made a big batch, nearly five dozen. Of course, my husband stole a few as he walked by.

Although they are the "kid's favorite cookies," I wouldn't say they are my favorite. They were a little too plain-vanilla for me, although the coconut added some nice texture. I'm still going to keep this recipe for possible future use, just because it's so easy. And I bet these treats would look great on a Christmas cookie plate. (Can you tell I can't wait for holiday baking season?)

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